It's fitting that on the third night of Hannukah I was part of three candle lighting ceremonies.
First, I was there as we lit Hannukiahs at the Beth Sholom Hannukah celebration. We also had latkes and sofgoniyot. The Beth Sholom All Star Band played, there were games and crafts for the kids, and lots of dancing. A good time was had by all.
I then traveled downtown to the San Francisco Comedy College where my friend Kenny Altman was holding his birthday celebration. By day Kenny is an administrator at Parents Place, a support organization for parents run by the San Francisco Jewish Family and Children's Services. By night you can find him at various open mikes around the area, honing his skills as a stand-up comedian. For his birthday he MC'd an evening of comedy by some of his fellow students and, of course, treated us to his routines as well. The perfomances were bookended by candle lightings--first the Hannukah candles, then birthday candles on a wonderful pineapple upsidedown cake. Another happy event.
I then came home and lit my candles--a much more quiet ceremony that the preceding two, but no less meaningful. The more light we can bring in this dark time of year, the better.
For those of you who don't have a hannukiah handy, I offer this virtual one, courtesy of the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education. I know, it's not really the same as lighting the candles, but with the right intention it could work.
Tonight's main offering is this comic by Ben Baruch. You can find more of his work on his website, Shabot 6000. (If the print is too small to read, click here) Enjoy!!

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