Monday, December 25, 2006

It's a Holy Day . . .

. . . it's just not my holy day.

There is something different in the air on Christmas eve into Christmas morning. The hustle and bustle of the universe comes to a stop. It's the one time of the year when the majority of the world experiences Shabbat.

We complain-and rightly so-about the commercialization of the season, yet we also have to recognize that in these hours of night into morning alot of people are gathering to pray for peace.

I will not treat this day as if it was nothing special. Although it is not in my tradition, this is a sacred day to so many in the world. Homage is paid not just to one person or one religion, but to the promise of a world of peace.

כן יהי רצון Ken y'hi ratzon - May it be so.

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